Saturday 26 October 2013

Enclosed: First drafting of first half of scripting.

Enclosed – The Trailer Script:
By Megan Sanders, Jessica Mann and Harri Evans.

FB = Flashback
P = Present Day

1: Close up of Nurse Cecilia putting medicines on a tray.
2: Walks into a patient’s room with the tray. [Only sound is the clicking of her heels as she walks down the corridor]
3: Exterior of asylum, wide panning shot or zooming shot possibly?
4: Doctor [name] getting out of his car to walk into the asylum
5: Sitting down & shaking hands with the boy. Boy looks shaky and estranged
6: Doctor: “How are you feeling today, [name]?”
7: Shot reverse shot: Boy: “I’m okay.”
8: Doctors: “Where are your parents, [name]?”
9: Boy: Bluntly; “I don’t know”.
Cut to FB:
11: Resuming of Cecilia walking in with tray. POV of patient watching her from behind the door.
12: Cecilia walks to the window and looks outside, confused.
13: Close up: Patient [face unidentified] covers Cecilia’s mouth. Shock shown in Cecilia’s face.
14: Slow motion: Shot showing Cecilia dropping tray of meds, focusing on smashed glass and broken plate.
15: Camera shows the patient and Cecilia’s legs entwined, sounds effect of Cecilia screaming “No! Please!” Screaming as the camera fades out to a title [need to discuss what title]
Cut to P:
16: Doctor: Puzzled expression: So you know nothing? At all?”
17: Boy: Blunt: “No.”
Cut to FB:
18: Panning wide shot of train station
19: Cecilia handing over her baby to her father. Cecilia is dressed in all black, nunnery outfit. Her father in a smart suit?
20: Glumly: Cecilia: “Look after [name of boy]...”
21: Shot reverse shot, close ups: Father: “I will.”
Cut to P:
22: Meeting conference between Doctor and Head of Asylum [Cecilia’s father]: Doctor: He shouldn’t be in here, [name of Head]!”
23: Shot reverse shots: Head of Asylum: Grimly: “I’ve been working here as the head of this asylum for 25 years, do don’t come in here telling me which of my patients are and aren’t insane.”
24: Dr: I’ve studied many cases of schizophrenia, Sir, and this boy does not have it.
25: Head of Asylum: He does, and don’t criticise my asylum.
26: Doctor turns to leave, angrily.
27: Head of Asylum: And don’t mention the boy’s parent’s to him.

28: Worried expression across the Doctor’s face as he leaves. 

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