Thursday 1 May 2014

Draft 2 Magazine Cover

With this draft I have added a website just underneath the masthead which reads "" as it was simply but effective and easy to read to an audience.
The main coverline has been added which reads "Enclosed - 32 page special edition" so it will stand out as an important magazine that won't be found again as it is a "special edition".
There is also the taglines of an interview of the "Enclosed" main actor, which will appeal to audiences who love psychological thriller/horror films and are interested in watching the film.
There is also the tagline of a list of other horror movies within the magazine, which are considered the top 10 horror movies of 2014.
In the next draft I will move my 2014 top 10 movies up slightly so there is more space, i will add more selling taglines and add a bar-code, date and price.

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