Thursday 12 September 2013

Film Synopsis: New Plot

I decided to change my film synopsis genre to a drama/crime genre instead. This was because I found my genre I picked was too cliche with the actual film synopsis, and I also found that to find the characters and location of that film would be tricky, whereas my new film synopsis would be much more accessible. "Megan Sanders The ShootingsQ In 2011, three 17 year old students went into school normally, like any other day. However, how their day would end, would not be in any way at all normal. Sienna, Toby and Caleb went into their lesson as per usual on Friday morning, October 15th. Toby used his phone to record the day, as he usually does to make it into some type of film project he was working on that was based on his friends. It wasn’t until the nearing of the lesson would they realise that it wasn’t the bell for next lesson making so much noise... It was the sound of children running out of their lessons to escape, after hearing gun fire shots. The three students remained in their classroom whilst the havoc was going on, and decided to hide instead of flee. They stayed in a school closet and didn’t move for about an hour. After everything going silent, they discussed quietly that it would be best to leave and try to escape the school without whoever was shooting to notice. However, as they sneak out of the classroom they hear nothing but dead silence. They slowly walk through the hallways covered in papers and folders and books that had all been dropped from the children in a rush. All three students are shaking, and the camera is also having a shaky effect because of this. As they walk half way through a long corridor, they hear a scream from the other end of the corridor, but a gun shot from behind them. Frozen and unsure on what to do, they run into another classroom and hide in different spots. Toby hides under a teacher’s desk, Caleb hides behind the long curtain, and Sienna hides in the cupboard again. They stay still and silent and it feels like they don’t move for about an hour, even though it had only been five minutes. Until they hear the door creak open. Toby could see three people walk in, but only their bottom half, in which they were wearing big black boots and black trousers. Caleb was frozen, but could hear his heart thumping. Sienna stayed still and tried to think of a way to deal with a situation, whilst she sat in darkness. The three people started talking, and they were all male. “I know I seen someone, Tom,” said one with a squeaky and small voice, sounding too young to even be capable to hold a gun. They started talking amongst themselves, when one spotted the curtain move. As they unreel the curtain, they find Caleb there. Caleb however, notices who these people are. There is shouting, as they tell Caleb to get to his knees. Sienna and Toby suddenly start worrying, ready to burst out, and as they hear the cocking of the gun, both burst out from their hiding places. Whom they see holding the gun to Caleb, however, are familiar faces. They realise that these boys are in their year, and all have a geeky approach to them. As the boy looks and is ready to shoot Caleb quickly, the police break in and arrest them before. Toby, Caleb and Sienna all walk through the school parking lot with blankets wrapped around them and holding water bottles, still shaken up. They ask the police officers what made the three boys do it, and they tell them that they were seriously bullied in school, and two of the boys had a lot going on at home too, and nobody helped them. This drove them to kill three students, and almost Caleb. "

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