Friday 27 September 2013

Planning- The Pitch so far

Megan Sanders Advanced Portfolio Planning- The Pitch 1) Clear idea of genre/sub-genre/hybrid genre - Psychological thriller 2) Clear sense of the narrative – 5 part structure 3) A clear understanding of your audience - Profile: 18-35 - 4) Representation of characters - Father of the mother to have a mean approach 5) Ideas for locations – interiors and exteriors - In school (use props) - Exterior of castle in Newport for the asylum 6) Ideas for props and costumes - White sheets to put over tables so they look like hospital beds - Strait jackets - Nurse costumes - Older fashion (1950’s) 7) Examples of key scenes that you will include in the trailer - Someone telling the son his father has been in the asylum the whole time - Baby being given up to the father 8) References to real films that are similar to your own - Shutter Island - American Horror Story Asylum - Psycho 9) Ideas for music that could be used in the trailer - 10) Examples of scripting 11) Any other key information that will help to sell your idea

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