Friday 22 November 2013

Poster Analysis: Sinister

This film poster is effective straight away as it has a young girl with blonde hair; which would straight away represent innocence, dragging her hand across a cracked wall with what looks like black paint, which falls down the wall to make an evil face. This straight away shows the genre of the film, being psychological thriller, and shows two of the characters, being the villain and the child. The villain and the child obviously have a connection also in the film plot, shown just from this film poster, as the child is touching and connecting with the villain.
The words "Sinister" stand out also for the audience, as the font is in black and the text in capitals; in order to reach the audience and stand out to them for them to remember.
This film poster has used iconography also, by using its biggest symbol of the film which is the tape at the bottom right of the poster on the floor, showing that it has an importance within the film.
This poster has also been clever by using "From the producers of Paranormal Activity and Insidious", in order to reach that specific target audience that had watched these successful psychological thrillers.
It has also used reviews that boost the film by saying; "genuinely terrifying, this will scare the hell out of you", in order to prove itself to the audience. It has used the key words "terrifying" "scare" and "hell" and put it in a bigger font also, in order to relate to the genre that has been used for this film.
The poster has it's credits at the bottom of the poster like the other posters I have analysed also.

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