Wednesday 13 November 2013

Target Audience

Male and Female.
- Male is attracted through the majority of the characters being male. Some heroistic males also.
- Female is attracted through the maternal love for the son from the mother, as she wanted him to be looked after, although it wasn't successful.

- This age audience would be attracted and targeted because they're most likely to be parents of young children of the son in the film, so they would understand from the mother's point of view. We also thought they would have a more mature mindset for the film, so they could understand the complexity within the film.

Middle class.
- I think this will be the targeted class as the jobs within the film are middle class, with a head of an asylum which would have a high paid job, and a psychiatrist, who would also have a high paid job, making a middle class audience be able to relate to it more. They will also have a higher disposable income, meaning they're more likely to pay to watch it in a cinema.

I think our target audience would have the following interests:
- Big fan of watching films
- Have an interest in mental illnesses
- Enjoy psychological thrillers

Favourite Films:
The Machinist
- Because it contains insanity
The Silence of the Lambs
- Mental illness involved
Black Swan
- Classy film with insane references

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