Tuesday 14 January 2014

Film Magazine Cover Analysis:

The masthead stands out as the background is a dark grey colour from the mis-en-scene of the film.

The masthead is then a bright red colour which is over layered by the characters from the film.

The splash in similar to the masthead in the fact that it is bright red and white, standing out from the dark colours in the background. However, the splash over layers the character’s this time.

The splash stands out as the film is a well known film with “Here come the elves: “Less wise… More dangerous!” This will make it appeal to the reader to make them think “What will the magazine uncover about the elves?” making them want to purchase it.

The issue date and price is in between the “M” on the masthead of “EMPIRE”. This is a clever placement of the price and date as it can be easily found.

The footer bar is placed along the bottom but turned on an angle making it start from bottom left going up diagonally to the right. This could have been placed in this position to make it more creative and challenging the codes and conventions.

The bar code is then at the bottom right of the footer bar.

The main image is of the character’s from The Hobbit dressed up, but in their characters attire and posing. They are posing fiercely, showing the genre of the film will be fantasy and action.

The subsidiary images are at the bottom, of the footer bar, and it says “32-page comedy special!” on red background with white writing.

It then contains 3 subsidiary images of actors from comedy genre related films posing in their character’s attire. This then will appeal to a wide range of film fanatics, as it reaches an action and fantasy genre, but also a comedy genre, which are completely different genres.

The footer bar also contains a box that says “Plus: Ben Affleck’s next thriller!” which shows the magazine appealing to a thriller genre also.

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