Thursday 16 January 2014

A comment on my first drafting of my poster from a target audience member.

These are some of the photos that I found that I wanted to create my design of my poster to be similar to.

One of the main reasons for this was my critical analysis comments. I found that these three posters had simple yet frightening main images in the middle of the poster, and then had the film title under the main image and the tagline on top.
I asked for some comments about my drafting of my film poster from someone who was part of my target audience. The person I asked was a female of the age of 33. She enjoyed psychological thrillers and her favourites were Sinister and Insidious. Her comments on my poster were as follows:
-         I like the bottom of the poster where it gives you links to the film’s websites such as Twitter, Facebook and its directory website.
-         I think the image would be effective, yet it is hard to comment on its complexity as I am not able to see the actual image as of now. I do, however, think that the image would draw me in and make me want to see it.
-         I like the film title, but I feel the font should be more sketchy and creepy.
-         The tag line does not make sense to me, and this is a negative of the poster.
-         I am intrigued to see what the logo would be, and I would hope it would be something scary.
-         What colour would the background be?

I will take these comments from a member of my target audience and think about how I will apply these comments to fit my target audiences wants. 

The poster I will compare my poster to is the Fright Night poster.
The differences between these are that my tagline and this specific poster’s tag line are swapped with the film title. This however, after reviewing my poster’s critical comments, is something I would like to change, so this aspect of our posters would be similar.
Another difference between this poster and mine is that I was dark grey/black colours for my posters, and possibility of black and white; whereas this poster has a blue hue colour to it.
Both posters have some indication that something is going to happen inside rather than outside. This is because my poster is going to have a door knocker on the front, symbolising the mental asylum as it is an iconic image. Whereas the Fright Night’s poster has the house on a street with an only light shining down from the moon, with a scary face rising above it, showing that something is likely to happen within the house, setting the mis-en-scene for that film, which is something I wanted mine to do. However, I did not want to have a picture of the full door as my poster like Fright Night has done with the full image of the house on the street, as I wanted more questions to be raised so it had more codes of enigma.

I also, after reviewing my first draft of my poster, wanted the billing block to be similar to the Fright Night’s poster, as it was spread out and easy to read, therefore establishing the characters and standing out.

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